Monday, February 22, 2010

Journal 5

The videos from TED that I watched were really inspirational and heart warming. The one that I really enjoyed was A warm embrace that saves lives. People in third world countries are not able to afford incubators to save premature infant lives. They invented a sleeping bag like form that has a pocket in the back that holds hot wax packets that can be heated by warm water. Instead of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on an incubator they are able to purchase the sleeping bag for $25 and reuse it. I can only hope that when I go out into the real world that I am able to help others with my designs and not just make things look pretty.

How Good is Good?

Some of the points that stood out most are how his views have changed from the beginning to; Help others, don't hurt anybody, and strive for happiness. I wonder what all happened to make him change his priorities around though.
I enjoyed all of the bold points that he made and how underneath each one was defined. Design can simplify our lifes, it can make the world a safer place, and design can make us raise money were the ones I related to most. Like I mentioned above, after watching the video and reading this article, I hope that my designs will make a difference.

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