Sunday, March 7, 2010

Process for Timeline

Sketches to begin with...

Originally I had planned to do a rotating pie chart to display both the image and type in an interactive way. After some experiementing with how it would rotate, I did not think it would be as strong as I had hoped. It would have been mostly image based with little type and that was not a good direction to go in.

I changed to a long composition that displayed the dates in a 3d manor. They are color coordinated to fit one of the 9 categories. The date is much larger and creates a sense of hierarchy with the contrast of small and large typefaces and the eye is moved down by the arrangement of dates.

Below are the first compositions that I came up with and one seemed to empty without a background which is why i added a texture in the other. The problem with the second is there is too much going on. I like the effect of layering and really wanted to play around with it but it begins to get difficult to read.

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