Sunday, January 24, 2010

Phase 1 taking notes

This Means That: A User’s Guide to Semiotics


Two basic sources of signing are natural and conventional; natural being wearing clothing, conventional being what and how we wear it.

signifier and signified, icon, index, symbol

Messages are transmitted through a medium. The voice, face, mouth, and eyes are presentational while painting, books, photographs, and buildings are representational. The last group is mechanical which is through telephone, internet, television, radio, and film.

There are different ways to interpret meaings. There are non-literal forms which enable us to make the familiar seem unfamiliar and the unfamiliar seem familiar. (sarcasm, metaphors, metonyms, ironies, white lies, unusual depictions…)

Then there arer non-literal meanings, simile, metaphor, metonym, synechdote, irony, lies, impossibility, depiction, and representation used in objects, images, texts.

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