Friday, November 27, 2009

Project 4 definitions

_ What are the advantages of a multiple column grid?
Typographic grids control the visual organization of the page space by supplying a particular kind of structure developed for typographic organization. This structure consists of margins, alleys, grid fields, and intersection points. Grids allow the designer to codify groups of typographic information.
_ How many characters is optima
l for a line length? words per line?
A character is a letter, space, punctuation, or number. The optimal number is 45-75.
_ Why is the baseline grid used in design?
A good grid forces order onto the layout and so acts as an orienting device enabling the reader to knows where to look for information and to understand its relative importance. Just as importantly the grid works on an aesthetic level.
_ What is a typographic river?
They are visually unattractive gaps appearing to run down a paragraph of text.
_ How can you incorporate white space into your designs?
By using the grid, we are able to organize the information and use white space to our advantage. It is good to have white space and can help the overall composition.
_ What is type color/texture mean?
Type color refers to the weight or boldness of a typeface and is used by designers and typographers to describe the visual tone of a mass of text on a page. The type color of a particular typeface affects the amount of ink on the page, also known as its blackness. Type texture is effected by changing the leading and tracking of the paragraph.
_ What is x-height, how does it effect type color?
Fonts with small x-heights will effect the type color. A larger x heigh will be bolder and a smaller x height will be lighter.
_ In justification or H&J terms what do the numbers: minimum, optimum, maximum mean?
The specific amount of space between words, the minimum being at the least possible, the optimum just right.
_ What are some ways to indicate a new paragraph. Are there any rules?
Spacing, indentation, kerning, leading, pretty much any way that you can visually seperate the paragraphs. Don't hit the indent button the first paragraph. Can do a first-line indent, running indent, hanging indent, or on-a-point indent.
_ What are some things to look out for when hyphenating text.
Hyphens are used strictly for hyphenating words or line breaks. En dashes are for amounts of time such as hourly, days or years. Em dashes are abrupt changes in thought or where a period is too strong and a comma too weak.
-- What is a ligurature?
Ligatures prevent the collision or interference of characters, particularly the extended finial of the ‘f’. and the dot of the ‘i’

_ What does CMYK and RGB mean?
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and black The RGB stands for the RED GREEN BLUE as the standard color code format in the photoshop.
_ What does hanging punctuation mean?
Hanging punctuation is most commonly quotation marks and hyphens, so that they do not disrupt the ‘flow’ of a body of text or ‘break’ the margin of alignment.
_ What is the difference between a foot mark and an apostrophe?
Foot marks usually look like this, " (foot). An apostrophe has a small circle and curve that make it present the quote or word, such as “”. To make the apostrophes and smart quotes you hit option+[ (left bracket is quote, right bracket is apostrophe). To make them go the other direction add shift.
_ What is the difference between an inch mark and a quote mark (smart quote)?
Inch marks are generic symbols that look like this ' (inch). The default for a foot mark and inch mark is that on the computer keyboard.
_ What is a hyphen, en dash and em dashes, what are the differences and when are they used.
A hyphen is used for hyphenating words or line breaks (-). An en dash is used with a thin space before and after, but not a full space, it's between words indicating a duration such as hourly time or months or years. An em dash is twice as long as the en dash. It is used in a manner similar to colon or parentheses, or indicates an abrupt change in thought.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The Adobe Flash Player is software for viewing animations and movies using computer programs such as a web browser; in common usage,good animation and movies on a web site. The Flash Player was originally designed to display 2-dimensional vector animation, but has since become suitable for creating rich Internet applications and streaming video and audio. It uses vector graphics to minimize file size and create files that save bandwidth and loading time. Flash is a common format for games, animations, and GUIs embedded into web pages.  

Designers use flash because they are able to create animations which are commonly used for movies, and games on websites.  Flash is also good because it allows the designer to import phototshop and illustrator layers, convert animation to open-source ActionScript 3 and render faster.  

Below are some links to websites that use flash.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Gone People

Check out this link for Jack Johnson's Gone song it may have been done in flash... It's pretty much all type and then a few objects thrown in there.

Colors of the World...expressed by a pie chart

As I read through the various articles about sorting data, I was most interested when I came to the pie charts.  The quote at the very beginning had me interested, "The circle is the first perfect shape... The space speaks of potential - the tension between what is achieved and what could be achieve.  From the circle, we derive ideals and focus, both the halo of saints, and the cross - haired target in gun sights" (Data Flow 6).  

From that page, circles are used to represent everything from human deaths, talk shows, textures, and colors of flags around the world.  Each layout uses the circle in a different way that relates to the topic it is referring to.

Shahee Ilyas uses the pie chart to create an international pie chart of flags.  He reduces each countries flag to simply their colors and shows the proportion of the colors used on their flag as a pie chart.  When all of the charts are put together it shows how similar some of the flags are to each other by the percentage of colors.  He took a very complicated variety of national flags and simplified them to the extreme to create a visually appealing pie graph chart.

This is just an example I found on the internet which is similar to that of the book.  The one in Data Flow does not have any whole flags but just the pie charts representing them.

Monday, November 2, 2009