Monday, October 19, 2009

New Layout, any suggestions?


  1. ..would be stronger without the white on the left also see what it looks like if the ? is in front of the ! or if it stays behind move it so they share the dot. that said is it enough to show us just the ji?! and that we would learn that font? What is it about your font that is distinctive and by looking at it WE (the viewer/audience) learn your font? That is the question I am looking to be answered by ALL the characteristic posters. -- andrea

  2. the colors are fine but they look like they came from the 70's. i think you could leave the browns but maybe the yellow and orange could be lime green and blue...just try different things. also what if the question mark dot overlapped the explanation one right in the center or was just completely covered by it. That would make it look more meant to be, and not that it was accidentally overlapped.
